A Crappy Idea?

TerraCycle fertilizer Include USA
  It's good for the environment and Planet Earth that creative minds continue to produce new and innovative ideas... and this company is on the cutting edge. TerraCycle, www.terracycle.net is responsible for diverting massive amounts of waste from landfills and incinerators, both of which produce carbon and greenhouse gases adding to pollution of air quality. By recycling this waste into new products... the need for new packaging is greatly reduced or eliminated entirely. Think about it... as TerraCycle says: " garbage doesn't exist in Nature."  If we consider "garbage" to be a combination of both organic and human-made materials... it is the latter which is the problem in modern-day cultures. An important distinction in the equation is the difference between "recycling" and "up-cycling."  For example... to "recycle" a waste product involves breaking it down and remaking the re-useable materials into a new product with different shape and form... whereas to "up-cycle" a waste product is to retain it's form and shape and re-use it for a different, useful purpose. Up-cycling therefore, can be described as: "using every aspect of waste as value."