Recycling coffee capsules

TerraCycle Include Australia Nescafe Dulce Gusto
In a bid to decrease the amount of coffee capsules going into landfill, locals are encourage to join the NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Recycling Program. Established in 2014 by the NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto team and recycling pioneers TerraCycle, the program turns used coffee, milk, tea and chocolate capsules into recycled materials that can be transformed into planter boxes, playground equipment and park benches. Spokesperson Gemma Kaczerepa says the donation process is simple. "It's really easy, you just need to head to our website which is terracycle.com.au, sign up to the program, collect any old box or bag and then put your used capsules in that bag and then once it's full, you just need to drop it off at your nearest Australia Post with a free shipping label attached which you can also download from our website. Then it all gets sent off for free."