Lansdowne Place mall boosts recycling efforts in the Peterborough mall's food court

Include Canada (French) Include Canada (English) cigarette recycling
As we enter the holiday season, many of us will be visiting the local mall, Lansdowne Place, to do our holiday shopping. As one of the largest and busiest shopping centres in the area, you might be surprised to learn that Lansdowne Place is a community leader in energy efficiency. Lansdowne Place has been recognized locally and nationally for its commitment to sustainability. Mall managers have implemented a number of retrofit projects, some receiving funding from Peterborough Distribution Inc.’s (PDI) Save On Energy incentives.  Lansdowne Place is also committed to increasing waste diversion rates. The installation of a smart irrigation system helps the mall to save water, and an on-site food digester collects the coffee grounds from Tim Horton’s and McDonald’s, which are used to make nutrient-rich soil. Instead of being deposited into the garbage, the mall saves these coffee grounds for weekly pick up by Regional Organics, a recycler located east of Lindsay. Every year, Regional Organics transports 32 tonnes of grounds from the mall and uses this waste to make a soil mix. Even cigarette waste is redirected from a landfill. Cigarette butts are collected and shipped to the recycling company, Terracycle, where they are recycled into a variety of industrial products such as plastic pallets, while any remaining tobacco is composted.