Recycling becomes habit when learned in youth

TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigade (Honest Tea Include USA
We don’t have a beverage container deposit to encourage recycling in South Carolina, but for me, recycling has become a way of life. One motivating factor for me to recycle is the fact that I don’t want a landfill in my backyard. Every item I recycle is one less item taking up space in a landfill. Another motivating factor is conservation of natural resources. By recycling plastics, we use less petroleum which is a nonrenewable resource. Recycling also protects human and environmental health by keeping toxic substances out of the waste stream. I can’t help it; protecting our natural resources is something I am passionate about, which is why I am so excited about some things going on at Moore Intermediate School. Students, faculty and staff are participating in South Carolina Green Steps Schools, an environmental education and action initiative that recognizes schools in South Carolina that take annual sustainable steps toward becoming more environmentally responsible.One of their projects involves the collection of traditionally non-recyclable juice pouches which are sent to TerraCycle and converted into other products. By participating in program, students are learning, waste is being reduced, and the school receives 2 cents per juice pouch.