College Lifestyles Interviews TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky

TerraCycle Include USA
TerraCycle could arguably be named the world’s most innovative business. And after a long journey of invention, passion and hard work, TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky, 30, is certainly in the running for world’s most innovative young businessman. CL chatted with him about his road to success, his take on internships and how to achieve your dreams. TerraCycle began over 10 years ago in the dorm room of then Princeton University freshman Tom Szaky from—surprisingly—worm poop. The idea sparked over Princeton’s fall break when Tom visited some friends in Canada who were using worm poop as fertilizer. He began harvesting his own worm poop after returning to campus. “When I saw a lot of food on campus being thrown out, we decided to use the garbage to feed worms and create a potent fertilizer from worm compost,” he said.