That’s not Trash!

Include USA
Something has been eating at me lately. Every time that I go to a sporting event, a school function or an event at work, I am disappointed to see how many water bottles and soda cans end up in the trash can. I will walk around moving them into the recycle bin and when others see me do this they sometimes start to do it as well, but something has to be done to get more people on board and put items in the proper containers. One problem is that often the recycle containers are poorly marked and another is that there are just too few recycle bins available. I know that putting an end to using bottles and cans for soft drinks and water is not going to stop. Although I do see more and more people carrying their reusable and refillable containers, there are just many occasions when it is too convenient to use bottle water, etc… So at least recycle the containers! As concerned Green Parents we need to talk to our children, our school officials, our parks and recs employees, office employees, etc… and educate on the importance of recycling. Two of Go Green America TV’s  favorite sources for recycling information and resources are Busch Systems and Terra Cycle.